
#080 Track Flood Light

(3 customer reviews)


#080 Track Flood Light

These Flood lights are 42cm tall, and you have 2 options

4 head or 8 head
Detail includes

  • A flashing red light on the top to warn passing flying objects like helicopters.
  • Internal ladders to 3 levels
  • Billboards with optional stickers you can purchase, (Check drop down box to add them. See list below of sticker options)
  • Door to the base of the structure that you can chose to have open or closed.
  • Arial’s on the roof
  • Choose where you put the lights, they can go in any of the 8 locations, so would work well in corners too.

Easy to wire up, and all you need is in the kit apart from a 12v power supply



#080 Track Flood Light

These Flood lights are 42cm tall, and you have 2 options

4 head or 8 head
Detail includes

  • A flashing red light on the top to warn passing flying objects like helicopters.
  • Internal ladders to 3 levels
  • Billboards with 2 random stickers (unless you ask for 2 specific ones from the list below)
  • Door to the base of the structure that you can chose to have open or closed.
  • Arial’s on the roof
  • Choose where you put the lights, they can go in any of the 8 locations, so would work well in corners too.

Easy to wire up, and all you need is in the kit apart from a 12v power supply

The small base is 126mm by 126mm

The large base is  183mm by 183mm

Hope this helps

Stickers available are: Gulf | Sunco | Elf | Chevron | Martini | Coca Cola | Champion | Castrol | Magnetic Racing | SEV Marchal | Agip | Esso | Michelin | ThatSlotCarGuy | Heineken | Mobil | Castrol GTX | Liqui Poly | Pepsi | Ford Racing | Classic Esso | Firestone | No Sticker, Select Which 2 from the drop down menus. 



Link to the instructions CLICK HERE
Your password is on the product label, also normally etched into the first piece of MDF




4 Head, 8 Head, 12v power supply (UK PLUG), 12v power supply (USA PLUG)

Sticker 1

Gulf, Sunco, Elf, Chevron, Martini, Coca Cola (Weathered), Champion, Castrol, Magnetic Racing, SEV Marchal, Agip, Esso, Michelin, ThatSlotCarGuy, Heineken, Mobil, Castrol GTX, Liqui Poly, Pepsi, Ford Racing, Classic Esso, Firestone, Slot Car Magazine, 132 Strictly Figures, Camel, Pink Taco, Pirelli, Lifesavers, Old Chewits, New Chewits, Monster Energy, No Sticker

Sticker 2

Gulf, Sunco, Elf, Chevron, Martini, Coca Cola (Weathered), Champion, Castrol, Magnetic Racing, SEV Marchal, Agip, Esso, Michelin, ThatSlotCarGuy, Heineken, Mobil, Castrol GTX, Liqui Poly, Pepsi, Ford Racing, Classic Esso, Firestone, Slot Car Magazine, 132 Strictly Figures, Camel, Pink Taco, Pirelli, Lifesavers, Old Chewits, New Chewits, Monster Energy, No Sticker

3 reviews for #080 Track Flood Light

  1. Mike Anthony

    Wow, just WOW! What an awesome bit of kit! I kept putting off buying this because it looked complicated, but it’s not! It was a pleasure and very satisfying to build. Thanks for the sweets and extra gift!

  2. scaromondas (verified owner)

    5****** is not enough….i thought about it for a long time, saw others making it so i thought time to stop dithering and buy it.i am so glad i did, what a superb addition it makes, even as i type this review, the only light on is the tower, just goes to show how powerfull it is, if any one is thinking of buying it, dont think buy, you will not regret it, thank you magnetic racing for this wonderfull product,at a later time one more will be added to the other side of the track

  3. stephen.trow1 (verified owner)

    This light tower is simple to build and once painted it looks great on the track and sits well with the four double light towers I already have.

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