For some colour ideas if your planning on painting your Drip Man please scroll to the bottom.
First of all, thank you for purchasing one of our kits and we hope you enjoy building it as much as we did creating it. As always, please send us your feedback and a picture of your completed building on your track.
*A few hints and tips before we get started *
– Always dry assemble a part before applying glue, this way you are confident that the part fits easily and there is no worry that the glue will dry before you have the part fully fitted.
-Our tolerances are tight, so if you come across a tight lug you’ll need to scrape a sharp craft knife along the top and bottom surfaces of the male lug as this produces a small chamfer to help you guide the part in. Having said that, the parts are generally very accurate and we have left clearances where we can, so in most cases this isn’t necessary.
-We also recommend using a super glue GEL, as this helps to hold the pieces in position as they dry and doesn’t get absorbed by the MDF; however most types of glue will work and your personal preference will be fine. Usually a small amount of glue will suffice and hold the part it place.

-When gluing two parts at right angles to each other use another unused part in the kit as an angle gauge pressed up against both parts. This way you will get them glued squarely to each other. Some kits are supplied with our handy right angle guide tool.
-It is advisable to sometimes use a small piece of tape or pegs to help hold pieces together while drying as a piece that slides even 1mm or 2mm out of place can really effect later steps in the build.
-Use a cotton bud to wipe away any excess glue before it dries as dried lumps of glue can ruin the finished model.
-If you want to paint this item then you may want to pause at certain steps to paint.
-Laser cut items are ‘sided’ so unless stated we design all our buildings with what we call the ‘nice side’ visible.

Lets start with making the drip man himself.
if you are going to paint him, then paint all the pieces before you make him, you will get much better results and it will be a lot easier, see the last picture for colours. As you can see there are spare parts for the eyes and the Esso logo as they are small in case you drop one and cant find it.

Now you have all the parts out, start with the middle of the eyes, as they are the smallest parts and easier to put on first.

Now just glue on all the rest of the parts, doing the Esso logo last and working from outside inwards, so the ring first, then the letter surround then the letters, and last the middle of the “O”

Now you have completed the Esso man, you need to decide which frame you want, either the flat one or the wide one. it mostly depends on how much space you have.

The thin one is ready to go, with 2 spikes to stick into the ground if you have sort terrain, of cut them off if not.

To build the wide frame you need these pieces.

The widest part goes at the bottom and the thinnest one at the top. The middle and bottom are not as wide as the frame they are attaching too.

Now add the ends making sure the sloped side is the same way round as the middle upright.

You have now made the frame, you just need to decide which side to have the drip man, either full upright or slightly leaning back

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! We hope you enjoyed creating your Drip Man and please make sure to send us pictures of it on your track to [email protected], as we love to see where they’re living and also tag us on one of the many social media platforms
Instagram/Facebook: @magneticracing
Twitter: @magnetic_racing)
Instagram/Facebook/Twitter: @thinkscalextric
Thank you again for purchasing from us.
Any feedback, good or not so good, is welcome. If there is a building you would like to see in our range please do let us know.